Modules/ Output Relay


PCB 90X90mm.
WIZnet Pico Clone W5100S-EVB-Pico.
I2C on Raspberry Pi 40 pin connector.

Part of the GREENHOUSE project
Part of the HOME AUTOMATION project
Part of the CNC CONTROLLER project
Part of the MODBUS WIZCUBE CODESYS project

Download Files


A short video with Raspberry Pi Zero WiFi under the module executing a
CODESYS PLC Modbus communication test program "running lights". Modbus
command travelling from Raspberry WiFi to WIZcube M10RL01-20 Relay
module and executed. The visualisation can be seen on the laptop.
WIZcube stand alone module can be anywhere in the network executing the
command from the Raspberry PI.

M10RL01-20 Top Gerber

M10RL01-20 Top Real Populated

M10RL01-20 Bottom Real Populated
Raspberry PI Zero-W running CODESYS